Accessibility Statement for this Website

While achieving 100% accessibility is practically challenging, I strive to make this website as accessible as possible for all users to ensure a positive user experience:

I use Divi Accessibility to ensure that the content is recognized by screen reading software. This also includes ARIA scripts.
I select my colors using the Coolors app to test if my color choices are functional for people with altered color vision.
My website is optimized for various browser apps on all popular devices and can be enlarged as needed.
I tend to use long sentences, but I continuously improve my texts to make them as understandable as possible for everyone.
There are no red-green transitions on this website.
All links and headings are marked as such in the CSS.
With only 4 content pages, the structure of my site is clear and comprehensible.
All images and graphics are embedded as SVG or PNG and have an alt-text. There are no GIF files or animated elements that cannot be recognized by screen reading software.
Since there is currently no gender-neutral form that is correctly output by every screen reading software, I have chosen the generic masculine for this website.
By choosing a dark background and a light font color, I aim to ensure that light-sensitive users have no issues reading the content.
My links have meaningful texts and are used in addition to the buttons on the website, so users always know what to expect when they click.

If you notice any errors here, I would appreciate it if you could let me know so I can improve the site for you!

For tricky technical questions, among others, I have oriented myself towards the recommendations of the software provider Getstark.